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Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-D-L5-S7-N1-M Contact Arrangements: D - 1 NO, 1 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L5 - Dual Voltage, 120/240 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S7 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 220 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Sewage; Most water-except very soft; Pottery slip; Water soluble oil solutions; Starch solutions); Enclosure Type: N1 - NEMA 1, General Purpose; Additional Options: M - Manual Push Button; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-D-L5-S7-N1-X Contact Arrangements: D - 1 NO, 1 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L5 - Dual Voltage, 120/240 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S7 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 220 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Sewage; Most water-except very soft; Pottery slip; Water soluble oil solutions; Starch solutions); Enclosure Type: N1 - NEMA 1, General Purpose; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-D-L5-S7-N4X Contact Arrangements: D - 1 NO, 1 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L5 - Dual Voltage, 120/240 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S7 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 220 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Sewage; Most water-except very soft; Pottery slip; Water soluble oil solutions; Starch solutions); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-D-L5-S7-OC-X Contact Arrangements: D - 1 NO, 1 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L5 - Dual Voltage, 120/240 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S7 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 220 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Sewage; Most water-except very soft; Pottery slip; Water soluble oil solutions; Starch solutions); Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-D-L5-S8-N1-X Contact Arrangements: D - 1 NO, 1 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L5 - Dual Voltage, 120/240 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S8 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 360 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Very soft water; Sugar syrup); Enclosure Type: N1 - NEMA 1, General Purpose; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-D-L5-S8-OC-X Contact Arrangements: D - 1 NO, 1 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L5 - Dual Voltage, 120/240 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S8 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 360 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Very soft water; Sugar syrup); Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-D-L5-S9-OC-X Contact Arrangements: D - 1 NO, 1 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L5 - Dual Voltage, 120/240 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S9 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 480 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Steam condensate; Strong alcohol solutions); Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S11-N12-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S11 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 800 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Demineralized or distilled water); Enclosure Type: N12 - NEMA 12, Oil Tight; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S11-N1-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S11 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 800 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Demineralized or distilled water); Enclosure Type: N1 - NEMA 1, General Purpose; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S11-N4X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S11 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 800 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Demineralized or distilled water); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S11-N4X-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S11 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 800 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Demineralized or distilled water); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S11-N7-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S11 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 800 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Demineralized or distilled water); Enclosure Type: N7 - NEMA 7, Classified Location; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S11-OC-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S11 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 800 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Demineralized or distilled water); Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S1-N12-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S1 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 12 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N12 - NEMA 12, Oil Tight; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S1-N1-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S1 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 12 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N1 - NEMA 1, General Purpose; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S1-N4X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S1 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 12 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S1-N4X-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S1 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 12 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S1-N7-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S1 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 12 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N7 - NEMA 7, Classified Location; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S1-OC-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S1 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 12 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S2-N12-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S2 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 24 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N12 - NEMA 12, Oil Tight; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S2-N1-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S2 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 24 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N1 - NEMA 1, General Purpose; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S2-N4X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S2 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 24 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S2-N4X-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S2 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 24 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S2-N7-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S2 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 24 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: N7 - NEMA 7, Classified Location; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S2-OC-M Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S2 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 24 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis; Additional Options: M - Manual Push Button; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S2-OC-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S2 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 24 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Metallic circuits); Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S3-N12-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S3 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 40 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Acid or caustic solutions: Milk; Brine and salt solutions; Plating solutions; Buttermilk; Soups); Enclosure Type: N12 - NEMA 12, Oil Tight; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S3-N1-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S3 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 40 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Acid or caustic solutions: Milk; Brine and salt solutions; Plating solutions; Buttermilk; Soups); Enclosure Type: N1 - NEMA 1, General Purpose; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S3-N4X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S3 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 40 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Acid or caustic solutions: Milk; Brine and salt solutions; Plating solutions; Buttermilk; Soups); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S3-N4X-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S3 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 40 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Acid or caustic solutions: Milk; Brine and salt solutions; Plating solutions; Buttermilk; Soups); Enclosure Type: N4X - NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays, Series 1500, P/N: AME-1500-E-L1-S3-N7-X Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC; All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC; 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC; Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC; 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC; 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC; Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ; Secondary Coil Voltage: S3 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 40 Volts A.C., Typical Liquids: (Acid or caustic solutions: Milk; Brine and salt solutions; Plating solutions; Buttermilk; Soups); Enclosure Type: N7 - NEMA 7, Classified Location; Additional Options: X - None; (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4" [Amazon] [1/2017]
Gemco Parts
Ametek Gemco Induction Control Relays Part AME-1500-E-L1-S3-OC-X Series 1500 Contact Arrangements: E - 0 NO, 2 NC All contacts rated at: 25 Amp Resistive at 120, 240, or 480 VAC 1 HP Single Phase at 120 or 240 VAC Heavy Duty Pilot 120 to 600 VAC 2 Amp Resistive at 120 VDC 10 Amp Resistive at 48 VDC Line Voltage: L1 - 110-120 Volts, 50/60 HZ Secondary Coil Voltage: S3 - Secondary Coil Voltage: 40 Volts A.C. Typical Liquids: Acid or Caustic Solutions Milk Brine and Salt Solutions Plating Solutions Buttermilk Soups Enclosure Type: OC - Open Chassis X - No additional options [Amazon] Dated 1/18 (1LBS) H 4" L 6" W 4"